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Contact Us

Because of You

Because of you, we are privileged to introduce

people in Rwanda to YESU (Jesus), the author

and finisher of our KWIZERA (Faith),

the One who brings IBYIRINGIRO (Hope),

the One whose URUKUNDO (Love) we share, because He first loved us.

Will you join us in reaching the nation of Rwanda?

Your partnership with Parfait and Michelle is the foundation of Send Me International’s work to bring Jesus’ message of love, acceptance and forgiveness to the people of Rwanda.  Every gift is meaningful!   Please consider a monthly commitment to Send Me International, helping us to more effectively budget and plan our ministry outreaches.  Together we are changing lives for eternity, while offering practical helps and encouraging teaching for daily living.  Murakoze UrakozeThank You – and may God richly bless you and meet your every need.

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